Oh hello this is the blue baa again, intruding JX's blog just for the funness of it, yay(: Haha so JX went to bowl today! And he's super funny. 1st game 53, then 2nd game jiu 121 le, heh. Anyway he won 2 games (2nd & 3rd game) and AL won 2 games too (1st and 4th). So blubbish de, the both of them. Oh yeah & the both of them like to jaywalk! When he was reaching SAFRA JX jaywalked lor! Tskkk! One day I am going to march into a police station and say JX and AL like to jaywalk and make sure they both get fines. Haha. Jaywalking so scary you know! I scream (I mean, bleat) whenever I do that. Very scary. Later tio accident how! TSKKK. Guys shall always be guys. Everytime toy with their precioussss lives! Heh. Anyway JX is funny, he keeps singing this weird song NI SHI WO DE YANG GUANG. In case you didn't know the lyrics:
& just incase again, you didn't know the REAL lyrics:
Haha, there you go: evidence of JX being a weirdo. (:
Thursday, November 30, 2006
hello ppl! yesterday i went turf city[wtf?!?!] for lunch then went marina square and bought nothing except for the CREATIVE chinese dic for the exams yea... walk there for lyk 2 hours and i keep on waitting outside shops for my mum and sis[wtf too!] so i sms al then he call me... but talk for 1 min only... :'( found out they at sentosa and i WAN LE YI BU... they went marina square too! lol... then went suntec sky garden there for dinner..... then keep on smsing daryl to ask about hps and starhub plans... oh my god... he sound lyk PRO man! really! gave me ratings and functions and stuffs... haha... lol! then went back home... a supposed half an hour trip became lyk 45mins[wtf too!lol] my dad dunno why turn here turn there then dunno go where... then watch superstar... then chong shang yun xiao... and finally PROJECT RUNWAY......
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006

Yayee!!! finished HUO WU HUANG SHA!!! damn nice show... maybe 4/5 stars??? minus half star for the sucky ending and the other half the the lighting yea... damn nice show... but too bad luhhh... those ppl wif ch55... maybe wait 1 or 2 more years lor... LOL!!! i cant wait for CHONG SHANG YUN XIAO 2 man...
Friday, November 24, 2006
:'(suuuuuuuppppppppppeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr BORED at home!!! nthing to do at home luhh... except for sleeping and watching DVD yea... actually got things to do one luhh... the hcl compos and maths papers... but i think im juz too lazy to do it... maybe i shall start tml... anyway went to buy books today and only bought half of wat i wanted... so ppl... dun go buy yet until mid dec or sth... BYE!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
yeah im okay now... the doc say... only got a wound at the duodenum... haha... lol... quite zai luh... wound at the DUODENUM... went kk at 11 then reach there register and blah blah blah... quite weird can? 14 years old go kk children department...LOL... then went into the operation room... then suddenly wake up liao... lol... the AN MIAN YAO damn strong luh.. when i woke up liao wanna sit up also cant... sit up then will lyk faint lyk tt... :'( the stupid virus tt invaded my duodenum... :'( and my throat hurts now!!! wtf... damn pain... coz they put the scope into my body for CAMWHORING!!!
yeah im okay now... the doc say... only got a wound at the duodenum... haha... lol... quite zai luh... wound at the DUODENUM... went kk at 11 then reach there register and blah blah blah... quite weird can? 14 years old go kk children department...LOL... then went into the operation room... then suddenly wake up liao... lol... the AN MIAN YAO damn strong luh.. when i woke up liao wanna sit up also cant... sit up then will lyk faint lyk tt... :'( the stupid virus tt invaded my duodenum... :'( and my throat hurts now!!! wtf... damn pain... coz they put the scope into my body for CAMWHORING!!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
hello all! hmm well... i di nth interesting today except for watching tv and using the com... oh yeah... chatted wif my friend through friendster! Hah! quite lame i know... omg... i wish time could stop rite now!!! i dun wanna go hospita tml for checkup... it's not a normal checkup luhh... i am needed to go into the operation room and they will put a cam into my body to check the f-ing duodenum...:'( camwhoring! yea tt's the word... and cant eat anything from 2359 today all the way to after the checkup tml... :'(
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
im seriously think tt i would be back in taf next year man... this wat i do everyday:
wake up at 8 to eat breakfast and the FUCKING MEDICINE and to watch tv...
go sleep again at 10...
wake up 12 plus
watch tv and eat lunch...
blah blah blah...
eat dinner...
watch tv...
go online...
we will discusing and debating about the ways to play soggy biscuit! lol:)
daryl burnt the chicken wings...
alvin slept lyk pig...
me daniel andrew josiah daryl yankai jinghui seng yew alvin went to play wild and wet... and the humjis who dun dare to looked up and buried their heads are daryl andrew jinghui yankai...
blah blah blah...
im seriously think tt i would be back in taf next year man... this wat i do everyday:
wake up at 8 to eat breakfast and the FUCKING MEDICINE and to watch tv...
go sleep again at 10...
wake up 12 plus
watch tv and eat lunch...
blah blah blah...
eat dinner...
watch tv...
go online...
we will discusing and debating about the ways to play soggy biscuit! lol:)
daryl burnt the chicken wings...
alvin slept lyk pig...
me daniel andrew josiah daryl yankai jinghui seng yew alvin went to play wild and wet... and the humjis who dun dare to looked up and buried their heads are daryl andrew jinghui yankai...
blah blah blah...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
im lyk finally back from our class chalet and it was damn damn fun!!!
Reasons y it was fun:
1. we did not pay a single cent on the chalet, bbq, escape, pizza, junk food, drinks, etc etc... NOT A SINGLE CENT!!!
2.) the gambling
3.)the arcade which we also didnt pay for anything
4.)*B** * **R**
5.)daryl chiam taked when he was sleeping... he said in chinese: BU YAO BU YAO! GO LE GO LE!!!( I think he was damn horny luh... lol!)
6.)i won money in blackjack... quite alot luh... if andrew hadnt bet 1 buck, i would have won lyk 4 bucks on the 1st day and 3 bucks for the second day...
7.)escape: go-kart!!!
8.)tau-pok!!!!!!!!! lucky nvr tp me luh... i really pity csy and josiah and few more ppl...
9.)tau-poking led to orgasm!!! lol!!! hahahahah!!! i know its wrong... but that is wat the horny bastard DARYL had said...
10.)we got damn high and we sang until we have no more voice luh......
11.)the jolly shandy...
12.) etcetcetcetc...
met yankai,csy, alvin and company at j8 and i waited for them to finish their lunch... we were supposed to meet at 3 but they finish their lunch at lyk12 sth... then went to walk around but every shop we went in, sure got ppl diao one luh... wtf! oh ya... im in 3-10... at 3 we went to take 88 and reach there at 4 sth... then they started bbq but it was damn hot... so only some CLEVER ppl stayed outside there to bbq while we played inside the room and at lyk 5 me andrew jk and al went to buy pizza and the four of us really enjoyed ourselves la!!! lol...(no coments...) when we came back and when everyone was full we went inside the chalet and we got DAMN HIGH!!! TAU-POK!!! damn nice luhh... then at around 7 plus we went to play arcade and we chionged daytona lyk siao and play bball too... me and leonard second best, compared wif andrew and al... went back to chalet to play cards and POLICE & MURDERER! at 10 plus everyone zhao home le... left me andrew daryl yankai josiah jinghui alvin csy daniel... played cards until lyk 2.30 am and i owned them all in blackjack...*applause* wanted to sleep but we found out tt yankai was hyper active... but we managed to get 1 hr of sleep after they went out to walk walk... woke up again coz they came back at lyk 4 and didnt sleep until josiah got off the bed to play jing's psp... THANK YOU JINGHUI!!!
woke up at 0730 by yk... play cards again... went escape at 1000... damn fun la... the go-kart...lol!!!came back at 1 and play cards AGAIN... at 2 went to eat lunch at bk but i bought my food at macs... then go arcade again to play daytona and we saw a damn bimbo and weird and fuckup boy... WTF can? lol...then me daniel csy and yk went back to play again... lol... then 1 by 1 they went home...until left me andrew josiah leonard dannel ry... we were bored so me andrew josiah went back to escape again... came back and we played blackjack againg and i owned them alll again...*applause*lol!!! then went back home if josiah and we waited for bus 3 to come but in the end we took bus to the interchange coz we wait damn long liao still havent come yet... took mrt to tampines and we took 969 back from there... quite fast... i took 1 hr to get home... im damn tired now... so bye!!!
ps. i learnt a new phrase: APA INI CHEE BYE SIA LAH...
im lyk finally back from our class chalet and it was damn damn fun!!!
Reasons y it was fun:
1. we did not pay a single cent on the chalet, bbq, escape, pizza, junk food, drinks, etc etc... NOT A SINGLE CENT!!!
2.) the gambling
3.)the arcade which we also didnt pay for anything
4.)*B** * **R**
5.)daryl chiam taked when he was sleeping... he said in chinese: BU YAO BU YAO! GO LE GO LE!!!( I think he was damn horny luh... lol!)
6.)i won money in blackjack... quite alot luh... if andrew hadnt bet 1 buck, i would have won lyk 4 bucks on the 1st day and 3 bucks for the second day...
7.)escape: go-kart!!!
8.)tau-pok!!!!!!!!! lucky nvr tp me luh... i really pity csy and josiah and few more ppl...
9.)tau-poking led to orgasm!!! lol!!! hahahahah!!! i know its wrong... but that is wat the horny bastard DARYL had said...
10.)we got damn high and we sang until we have no more voice luh......
11.)the jolly shandy...
12.) etcetcetcetc...
met yankai,csy, alvin and company at j8 and i waited for them to finish their lunch... we were supposed to meet at 3 but they finish their lunch at lyk12 sth... then went to walk around but every shop we went in, sure got ppl diao one luh... wtf! oh ya... im in 3-10... at 3 we went to take 88 and reach there at 4 sth... then they started bbq but it was damn hot... so only some CLEVER ppl stayed outside there to bbq while we played inside the room and at lyk 5 me andrew jk and al went to buy pizza and the four of us really enjoyed ourselves la!!! lol...(no coments...) when we came back and when everyone was full we went inside the chalet and we got DAMN HIGH!!! TAU-POK!!! damn nice luhh... then at around 7 plus we went to play arcade and we chionged daytona lyk siao and play bball too... me and leonard second best, compared wif andrew and al... went back to chalet to play cards and POLICE & MURDERER! at 10 plus everyone zhao home le... left me andrew daryl yankai josiah jinghui alvin csy daniel... played cards until lyk 2.30 am and i owned them all in blackjack...*applause* wanted to sleep but we found out tt yankai was hyper active... but we managed to get 1 hr of sleep after they went out to walk walk... woke up again coz they came back at lyk 4 and didnt sleep until josiah got off the bed to play jing's psp... THANK YOU JINGHUI!!!
woke up at 0730 by yk... play cards again... went escape at 1000... damn fun la... the go-kart...lol!!!came back at 1 and play cards AGAIN... at 2 went to eat lunch at bk but i bought my food at macs... then go arcade again to play daytona and we saw a damn bimbo and weird and fuckup boy... WTF can? lol...then me daniel csy and yk went back to play again... lol... then 1 by 1 they went home...until left me andrew josiah leonard dannel ry... we were bored so me andrew josiah went back to escape again... came back and we played blackjack againg and i owned them alll again...*applause*lol!!! then went back home if josiah and we waited for bus 3 to come but in the end we took bus to the interchange coz we wait damn long liao still havent come yet... took mrt to tampines and we took 969 back from there... quite fast... i took 1 hr to get home... im damn tired now... so bye!!!
ps. i learnt a new phrase: APA INI CHEE BYE SIA LAH...
Friday, November 17, 2006
hello world! :D
This is baabaa because baabaa is a much more interesting blogger than junxiang. Well not exactly, but still. Junxiang will be in downtown east til tomorrow (i think, i am not his luverrr so i have no idea) and he's enjoying himself in the arcade at the mo after a nice BBQ which stupidly started at 4:45pm in the afternoon (you can actually suntan at that time okay. stupid people from 2-1.) so as you can see he is unable to blog. Mm i don't really know what to say okay. Shall leave all of you hanging here, junxiang can blog when he comes back. And junxiang, you meanie, never da pao food for me! I am starving. Owells. ): Shall go eat somecakeicing, oh I mean grass :D Baa!!
PS/ (Who knows who the baabaas are, btw? :x)
PPS/ (Guess which baabaa is blogging, heehee.)
PPPS/ (Baabaa is bored, owells. SIGHS.)
PPPPS/ (Purple is Barney's colour! Gay alert! Hee.)
This is baabaa because baabaa is a much more interesting blogger than junxiang. Well not exactly, but still. Junxiang will be in downtown east til tomorrow (i think, i am not his luverrr so i have no idea) and he's enjoying himself in the arcade at the mo after a nice BBQ which stupidly started at 4:45pm in the afternoon (you can actually suntan at that time okay. stupid people from 2-1.) so as you can see he is unable to blog. Mm i don't really know what to say okay. Shall leave all of you hanging here, junxiang can blog when he comes back. And junxiang, you meanie, never da pao food for me! I am starving. Owells. ): Shall go eat some
PS/ (Who knows who the baabaas are, btw? :x)
PPS/ (Guess which baabaa is blogging, heehee.)
PPPS/ (Baabaa is bored, owells. SIGHS.)
PPPPS/ (Purple is Barney's colour! Gay alert! Hee.)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
lol... i juz came back from vivo and i bought nothing except for a pair of shorts from OP... and i lyk finally bought the jay chou's album... i know i quite slow luhh... but erm well... im quite fast for my size le... lol...
and tml is FRIDAY! the bbq,chalet, etc etc... Hah! but quite sad luhh... cant eat anything... u know... im on 'DIET'!!! Hah :) but quite sian luh... muz pack so many things and then muz come back home by bus... WTFWTFWTF...
lol... i juz came back from vivo and i bought nothing except for a pair of shorts from OP... and i lyk finally bought the jay chou's album... i know i quite slow luhh... but erm well... im quite fast for my size le... lol...
and tml is FRIDAY! the bbq,chalet, etc etc... Hah! but quite sad luhh... cant eat anything... u know... im on 'DIET'!!! Hah :) but quite sian luh... muz pack so many things and then muz come back home by bus... WTFWTFWTF...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
i hate TROMBONE!!!!!
i really hope tt fri will come soon... the bbq, chalet, blackjack, escape, fighting(?), etc etc... and the most important thing of all... my sis will only bring the phucking irritating trombone back to sch on fri!!! im goin bonkers...hah!
i hate TROMBONE!!!!!
i really hope tt fri will come soon... the bbq, chalet, blackjack, escape, fighting(?), etc etc... and the most important thing of all... my sis will only bring the phucking irritating trombone back to sch on fri!!! im goin bonkers...hah!
BAA! :D (ie, hello! in baa language)
this is baabaa (one of them, anyway) blogging for jx and jx is being annoying because he requested for me not to reveal myself. so yes it's for you to find out who i am and for us (ie, the baabaas, jx and some others :D) to know. mm i am bored. so i shall sing a nice nursery rhyme to entertain myself. :D.
all that singing is making me hungry so i gotta go :) jx says some of you are asking who the baabaas are so im not going to leave any clues, its gonna be fun! haha so ill blog another day, byee!
BAABAA bleah!
this is baabaa (one of them, anyway) blogging for jx and jx is being annoying because he requested for me not to reveal myself. so yes it's for you to find out who i am and for us (ie, the baabaas, jx and some others :D) to know. mm i am bored. so i shall sing a nice nursery rhyme to entertain myself. :D.
all that singing is making me hungry so i gotta go :) jx says some of you are asking who the baabaas are so im not going to leave any clues, its gonna be fun! haha so ill blog another day, byee!
BAABAA bleah!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A- You like to curse alot
B- You like people.
C- You're wild and crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E- Damn good kisser.
F- People adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You have a fine ass
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You are really silly.
L- you live to have fun.
M- one to have fun
N- You are dead sexy.
O- You are one of the best in bed.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Fcukin Crazy
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best damn bf/gf anyone one could ask for.
Z- Always ready.
I am:
A- You like to curse alot
N- You are dead sexy.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
J- Everyone loves you.
U- You really like to chill.
N- You are dead sexy.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
I- You have a fine ass
A- You like to curse alot
N- You are dead sexy.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
B- You like people.
C- You're wild and crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E- Damn good kisser.
F- People adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You have a fine ass
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You are really silly.
L- you live to have fun.
M- one to have fun
N- You are dead sexy.
O- You are one of the best in bed.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Fcukin Crazy
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best damn bf/gf anyone one could ask for.
Z- Always ready.
I am:
A- You like to curse alot
N- You are dead sexy.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
J- Everyone loves you.
U- You really like to chill.
N- You are dead sexy.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
I- You have a fine ass
A- You like to curse alot
N- You are dead sexy.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
Today is a Boring boring day at home...
woke up at 0930 coz i slept at 0300 coz of the Boring game between man u & blackburn
ate HEAVY HEAVY breakfast and went to sleep at 1200 and woke up at 1500...
then watched the world pool championsip final and it is a race to 17... so it is damn long... the match is still now so i shall go and watch it...
woke up at 0930 coz i slept at 0300 coz of the Boring game between man u & blackburn
ate HEAVY HEAVY breakfast and went to sleep at 1200 and woke up at 1500...
then watched the world pool championsip final and it is a race to 17... so it is damn long... the match is still now so i shall go and watch it...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
yesterday was DAMN fun at WX house!
woke up early in the morning juz to eat the fucking medicine...
At 1102, wx sms me: Wanna play soccer at 1130 at my house? I said yes and thus, i chiong there lyk SIAO.
then went to pay soccer! And i score e most goals! but... all quite open luhh... we got tired quite fast luh so we went back to wx hse to play com and ps2 but we got bored quite fast and we decided to play a STUPID game wif stackos...
we r supposed to hide our own stacko colour and the rest r supposed to find 10 of the opponents one... quite LAME luh but we enjoyed ourself!!! Hah!
I went back home quite early coz i got sth on at nite... and on the way home, i saw a WEIRD & DISUSTING GUY on the bus... i shall not say anything more about him coz he's DISGUSTING and i scared later accidentally type racism comments bout him...lol
And i juz found out that CSY had deleted the post about goin for hormones jab next year after me and daryl had a gd time laughing and teasing him yesterday... hahahaha...
woke up early in the morning juz to eat the fucking medicine...
At 1102, wx sms me: Wanna play soccer at 1130 at my house? I said yes and thus, i chiong there lyk SIAO.
then went to pay soccer! And i score e most goals! but... all quite open luhh... we got tired quite fast luh so we went back to wx hse to play com and ps2 but we got bored quite fast and we decided to play a STUPID game wif stackos...
we r supposed to hide our own stacko colour and the rest r supposed to find 10 of the opponents one... quite LAME luh but we enjoyed ourself!!! Hah!
I went back home quite early coz i got sth on at nite... and on the way home, i saw a WEIRD & DISUSTING GUY on the bus... i shall not say anything more about him coz he's DISGUSTING and i scared later accidentally type racism comments bout him...lol
And i juz found out that CSY had deleted the post about goin for hormones jab next year after me and daryl had a gd time laughing and teasing him yesterday... hahahaha...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
this my second post of the day... i juz had a GOOD time laughing..............................
looking at.....................
CSY's blog!!! damn funny luhh...
and yesterday... my sis broke her 6th comb of this year... quite zai lah her... maybe her hair corrode it until break... haha! quite mean... but i dun care!
looking at.....................
CSY's blog!!! damn funny luhh...
and yesterday... my sis broke her 6th comb of this year... quite zai lah her... maybe her hair corrode it until break... haha! quite mean... but i dun care!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
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