My team is selected for the brunei trip, aka exercise rintis bersama. 12 outta 90 plus ppl, 3teams outta 30. price of having an A-Team huhhhhhh. PC sorta hinted it last week. then that day he announced that he think we the best choice:o brunei-here-i-come-in-dec!
sat floorball training was tiring max. 4 hours of high intensity training my god. imagine running suicides for a few hours. but good training though, i feel stronger. HAHA.
i think everyone in my platoon must be thinking that imma loser coz of the nvr-accept-friend-request and the nvr-reply-sms incidents. two diff ppl somemore, shitt. it's not that im lyk despo or wad, but i just think that it's nice to have someone to talk to when you're bored and stuff or someone to tell your silly stories of your day or life. but oh well..................................................