Wednesday, May 21, 2008

sian no more acne, but got lyk damn alot of small pimples:(

hmm today was imcb first day:) quite boring sia, and damn damn slack, did nth put juz wash wash and wash the embryos. partner with some bt panjang government high guy, quite friendly, and somemore our 2 benches quite fun one, coz got some gal lyk gl the instructor one.. hmm release at 4.30

then take mrt home with daryl, a damn ridiculous thing happened mann!

got 1 old man 60 plus years old one stood in front of us, then he started reading his book ALOUD, everybody lyk wth and lmaoing there liao, then the person next to him faster siam, read read read, then beside daryl got empty seat, guess wad he did mann, he put his plastic bags onto the sit and continue reading aloud with great intonation! woah! then another side beside his plastic bags empty and he sat down, without taking away his plastic bag! occupied 2 seats sia! then he moved beside daryl, and started to read again, then he keep on tilt his book to us, lyk wan us read liddat, wtf damn fucking weird rite!??! then daryl took out his mp3, and u know crumpler the velcro thingy is damn loud, so he pissed off sia! pls luhh he was lyk noiser can.. then he stood up infront of is and diao us and digged his ear damn hard, wtf can? then he diao diao then went to another cabin, daryl got off.. then the weird guy alighted at braddell, and he walked back here and diao me sia! wth la! damn kee siao, i think and hope tt he juz lost his whole family, wife children grandchildren! he diao so i diao back, damn funny mann, ahahahaha..


and on the mrt got some DAMN U gal keep acting cute to his bf i think, wtf, damn sick can, mr and daryl almost puke! the guy got some serious prob mann..

man u vs chelsea,


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