Monday, June 30, 2008

woah nice day, coz it ended with amaths.

got back eng compre, and all i can say is kudos to paul ng's marking, 8 marks gone liddat, nice nice.. 8marks=6.4 in overall uknow?

then the worst part of today, got back chem, i tot will get at least B3, in the end get 62.5, damn disappointed coz i studied quite alot of chem:(

after tt went to see the roll of honour, appeared in both bio and physics, but bio 1 more mark can get my first A1 lehh! :( sian sian :( physcis improved by 30 marks, muahahahaha, 81 A1:)

then maths, 79 A2 AND amaths, i tot i screw up, but got 85 A1 hahaha... oh ya, after the amaths paper, jw say he get full marks liao, an guess wad, according to sources, he got 96, NINETY SIX, pwnage ttm. hahah.

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