Monday, February 08, 2010


school was stressful today.

morning suddenly someone said that there was physics test. and no one told the ogls.

running in the morning is fun and good.

didnt pay attention at all during chem.

maths sucked coz i havent do the tutorial yet.

maths lecture: adviced someone what he should do. coz i got the feeling that smth might happen if what needs to be done is not done.

physics: test cancelled, heng. started on efield tutorial, everyone was lyk wtffff.

gc was damn lame. hawk is so conservative. i think he dun dare to say sex out loud, seriously hahaha.

town with daryl and daniel after that. dan bought a few stuff only but spent a lot of money. ME TOO. i realised after i pay that i had no money left for the rest of the week!:/ went ttsh starbucks to study after that. but we ended up talking. everyone was jsut in the talking mood.

oh ya, we saw a v.pretty hc gal in town today. then cdd suddenly realised that she is *^&%. so we double checked and its really her. omgbbqsaucewithoutstrawberrybutwithmango! good taste;)

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