Tuesday, November 15, 2011

we're lonely; we're selfish

watched You're the Apple of My Eye yesterday with I after running and working out.

the movie damn nice can. but damn saddening. esp for single and lonely guys. lolol. sad ending to a funny and heart-warming movie. a must watch!

ATP tmr, must get marksman. spent 70bucks on a-JAYS TWO yesterday. love the linguine-shaped wire. wanted beats but everyone say quite sucky so bought JAYS instead. so if tmr marksman i'll still have 130bucks to spend with. x'mas coming, so shopping season is coming also, so alot money is needed. but sian lei now winter season, half the stuff in alot shops not applicable to s'pore one!

floorball season for me starting soon. but i'll miss the first three games ubersianmax! and my first match will be against Team CH, aka cat high, aka my previous team, haha nice.

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