Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It’s not too long
Cause I’m thinking about you
I wrote this song
Maybe I’m wrong
to be called all about you
I don’t know what you think about me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But,maybe you could just lie to me
We could be in love, you see
Let’s sing a long song
that not too long
It’s when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you won’t want to
Cause baby i wrote,i wrote this for you
I wrote this song
It’s not too long
cause I’m the one who loves you
i wrote this song
this can’t be wrong
I don’t wanna smile without you
I just want to make you happy
Maybe you want nothing at all
How I wish that you are mean to be
forever and the day with me
Sing a long song
that not too long
It’s when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you don’t want to
Cause baby i wrote,i wrote this for you
In every way, you mean more to me
then you love more
Girl, I do my best to show these words are true
And if you like to make a song in the perfect
harmony with me
I find the greatest words to sing
so we could write our own romantic thing
went out at 2 plus and reach centrept at 3, funny ah go back to workplace when theres no work. saw mingle with a group of ppl(cashiers on 4th floor i think) there, they went to watch movie i think.
then went third floor talk talk, then went ljs, 6ppl accompany 1 gal for dinner, lol. and gossip gossip gossip, fun fun, haha:)
ps.noobs on viwawa are frustrating, ppl last card still dare to put cards as small as 4 and 6, wth!
Monday, December 29, 2008
first day was damn damn slack, walk around robinsons for 6 hours without doing anything.
but wth, second and third day was keesiao, work till i cant even walk properly at home. walked nonstop for 10 hours? collect the stuff ppl dun want, which is lyk damn alot, and put it back to the original place. fucking alot, got hill blocking up the passageway one sia. but heng, past two days were quite slack, did the same thing but can walk slowly, go chitchat and stuff.
for the past two days, i had dinner with kris and her colleagues, and damn qiao, 1 of them also vegetarian. yesterday, while having pizza, i found out that 1 of them is lyk wx's neighbour who live 5 floors up. she say he keep bring cat high guys to his house and play soccer and stuff hhaaha.
i want go shop:(
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
wx woke up damn late, 1040h, and i reached at 0840h. luckily daryl was there so we can catch up and bang the door and call wx to wake up. in the end, we didnt go treetop coz fifa 08 on ps3 on sony bravia is much more interesting. then went for lunch at casuarina, where the workers there are quite stupid. i got an egg prata for free! thank you for forgeting to include it in:) after tt, we walked all the way into pierce reservoir, took 45min-1hour liddat, it was tiring haha. heng can talk along the way and talk to each other and look at monkeys and dodge cars. haha. upon reaching the place, we ran down and up the damn long slope, fun fun;) then went to throw rocks, yea rocks not stone, lol. then went back to casuarina, heng got some kind uncle fetch us. then walked around j8 for 1 hour before coming home and watching HEROES volume 3 last epi. cant wait for the next vol!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
today went out with kloy. he was funny as usual. esp when we got free apple strudel after doing some survey. haha. bought a tee from topman, kloy too. went river island but after the discount the shirt i want is still very ex, so we shall all wait and see:D
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
let's talk about saturday,
i went to the watch sale,
and guess wad,
the queue is 1000 times longer than club 21's,
so we didnt wait to get in:(
my mum was so damn disappointed lol.
pool is lyk so fun,
haha played 2 times this week liao.
hmm went sentosa yesterday too,
failed in learning how to swim:(
Saturday, December 06, 2008
i need to learn how to swim, if not i will die in army:(
today is saturday, finally, can go the watch thingy:)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
his reading skills make stephenie meyer a (fill in your own blanks).
his twists in the story are lyk nice ttm.
hmm i think i working from 1st to 3rd dec, three days only haha.
just when for interview at robinsons, dun think can get, lyk so many ppl and all got exp one luh:(
anyway yesterday went bowling with al and jh,
my score sucks but the lane and machine suck even more,
99 and 71, wth:(
they should lyk carry out proper maintanence luhh.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
first day go there eat sleep play.
and i won more than 10 bucks in blackjack, muahahahahahhahaha:D
so my happy meal today+cycling yesterday was kinda free:)
second day we cycled and went wild wild wet which wasnt very fun.
cycled with daryl on a tandem bike, damn gay right? haha
after wild wild wet went pasta mania with cdd to eat, with our pants wet and stuff, lol
after bathing they went to eat again,
fat ttm worxxx,
then went back for gambling,
won money,
then ran off to sleep, lol:D
Sunday, November 16, 2008
ronaldo 2 free kicks, carrick and berbatov nice turn and control and goal, and of coz, danny welback's fucking nice debut goal:D
Friday, November 14, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
i remember watching their first few games,
and the goals lyk all from throw ins one,
and yesterday too,
nice nice stoke 2-1 arsenal:)
and liverpool,
lost 1-2 to hotspur,
well done,
hull is lyk zai,
their spirit is lyk 'nvr say die' kind,
from 4-1 to 4-3,
hahaa but in the end still win:)
so we are third now, with 1 game in hand, arsenal loser:)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
class gathering
yesterday was the last official day of school,
attended the farewell assembly, ak's video is lyk total pwnage, suan josiah lyk hell, hahah, jeff goh's one is funnaye also.
then go up stage take cert, only 1 teacher cried, haha
take report book, and first time i got into top 100, lol
but tts lyk moderation la, dunno raw score will higher/lower anot, haha
went back class, a few taupoks here and there, but not as crazy as 4-9,
then went pasta mania eat with qr yk and dan, then went suntec with qr to get his specs,
then then
the best part of the day,
class dinner at seoul garden @ taka:)
me and daryl were quite amazed by what some ppl wore, lyk regi who wore a dog leash, joel light green+blue, mountain goat's school shool and high socks, etcetc.
sat with fun ppl, but it would be better if manfred daren and jloh was at our table too, hhaha,
at the most ex baos, french fries, ice cream, mushroom soup ever, lol
then play zhong ji mi ma, punishment(made by jithin so can imagine how gross it was) is ice cream+pepper+friut juice(squeezed by jh's hand) vefe, garlic, bbq stuff, etc! gross ttm, hhaha
jithin lost the most, thanks to me:D
fun fun
then went around taka looknig for a place to take photo, play for quite awhile before going home.
looking forward to class chalet mann!:D:D
Thursday, October 09, 2008
11 days):
i just wasted like
30 mins
doing this
i dont feel like studying
love you very very much!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
and its very nice:)
and manu won bolton, nice! rooney+ronaldo=zainess!
ronaldo's pass is lyk damn damn damn nice i swear,
and ronaldo's penalty looked lyk a penalty to me lehh, dunno why the commentator so eff up.
anyway, i hate cgs maths department, set so hard paper for wad mannnnnn, do until can go crazy one lehh.
and that tagger on wx's blog is damn lame
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thankyou for accompanying me this afternoon, Im sorry I wasted like your saturday, you wanted to meet me to study but hahaha ;)
(i'm going to stalk you.)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
and this album is nice, quite special, with all the radio thingy inside, lyk got fillers which are radio broadcasts made by hebe and selina:)
got damn alot of work sia:( cant wait for children's day, gonna spend the whole day reading brisingr and listening to she:)
then do ss and hist and bio:(
Monday, September 22, 2008
tt time SHE album also release a few days late due to storm in taiwan if i remember correctly,
then now they havent import zhuo yifeng one,
i hope they do mann,
then it will be the first album i buy since last year?
anyway geog is lyk total pwnage mann, add 8 marks, actually 9 for ppl who did the plate tec ques:)
so lyk add up to 75, love it.
so now,
8 points for prelim 3:)

Brisingr release liao, zomg, every damn thing i want release together all of a sudden, heroes today, Brisingr 2 days ago, the album 3 days ago, left SHE album only mann, hahaha
Sunday, September 21, 2008
ok the following just prove how stupid my sister or nsk in general are.
yesterday nite, i wanted to increase the temp of the air con, but i off it accidentally, stupid rite? haha
then my sis wanted to suan me, and she said,
u got iq no eq isit?
i lyk O.O wth totally,
sec 3 still dunno wads eq,
and tried to suan me but she got owned instead,
stupid mugger!loser!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
k to the r to i to s to the t-a-b-e-l-l-e (:
damn you how can you get 75 for hcl?
75 for english sounds much more possible than 75 for hcl lor.
wah lao -_-
and you should rmbr that no matter how bad ur results are, there's always people that scored worse than you (ie, me).
must go same jc ok?
if i score damn bad, you follow me to damn bad jc.
hahaha, im joking :D
just rmbr to give me money when you become damn rich and famous 10/20 yrs down the road. ok? :D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"Matt Parkman goes on a great adventure where he meets a new prophet (and eventually develops a new power."
tt's lyk O.O!
the chinese department cant key in scores mann, essay got 60:D they key 53 only, haha:) and i hope tt i can get an A1 for hcl, and tt will happen if they give that 1 mark:x
english is screwed mann,
ss is okay, A1 at least,
and tmr suck, emath chem physics:(
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
i lyk the bio paper,
coz the setter, didnt come out with new and original questions,
and the DNA ques, copy and paste directly from the 2008 specimen paper,
i was laughing out loud once again:D
and today prayer was funny, lyk ttmXD
everyone was lyk laughing if they saw wad was happening on the stage, lol
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
and the whole paper was quite hard too, emaths harder than amaths, lol.
recess was fun:D
jw nose bleed after gaying yankai, everyone lmao totally, gay mann! hahahaahXD
Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
makes me study real hard, which starts today,
im dedicating all the time to history and biology,
hardcore subjects, so many things to memorize,
of coz there's still chem, physics and maths,
i want get good results for chem, nvr gotten above b3 i suppose??
pls i pray hard can maintain the standard of prelim 2,
get high high for physics and amaths,
please please please.
i wanna fifa:D
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
correct me if im wrong
let the allele for dumbness be D
co-dominance takes place
so clever ppl (special stream) : CC
when a clever person mates with a stupid person,
the end result will all be normal intelligence kids
when a clever person mates with a normal person,
then end result will be
1 : 1
when a normal + normal
end result will be
when stupid + stupid
ALL will be stupid
(and vice-versa for clever also)
in the world, i think case 2 takes place more than the other cases,
and of course continuous variation will take place, meaning normal may rise to clever or drop to stupid:)
make sense??????
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
(i dont think you will need the luck because you are so smart alrd luh, more like i need YOUR luck, you know? omg my L1R5 :/ can go holland liao HAHA)
PPS: me is sleepy (:
truckloads of love,
but speech was kinda okay, with all the quotes and techniques and stuff,
and compre was okay too, first time i wrote so long answers juz in case losr marks here and there, hahah,
SS tmr, wth, iraq kuwait terrorism internation relations:):)
i muz get A for hcl, havent get for damn long liao
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
and i think its quite okay, except the reading which i think alot ppl screw up:(
the convo topic is lyk repeated? o.0
so yea kinda stunned.
1. What is your favourite subject?
2. Do you think everyone must go university?
3. Is science important?
hahah so its lyk quite easy:D
but then,
today lyk reach school then hear bad news liao,
meng long's mum passed away,
so its kinda hard and sad for him:(
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
oh money not enough is nice too, like funny and touching, alot ppl crying i think.
the amaths test juz now was kinda difficult:(
tag lehh:)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
fri went bugis with al to buy shirt, he bought a quite nice shirt, somemore lyk quite cheap:)
yesterday went to raffles and suntec with yk, he bought a wallet which makes me think of hum ji peng/ fried bread/ hot dog bun:) i went wth when he pointed out tt wallet, lol:D then went suntec for lunch then go wcg, nvr see any stage match, sian:(
later watching money not enough 2, nice:D
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
since sec 1/2, i tot i will get the service award, but then, i wasnt nominated so im quite upset,
so i asked for the reason why,
i got a reply,
because they need it more than me and stuff, woah,
okay its true they won things,
but fuck them mann.
wad's worse, if they are getting any money, im goin to kill.
i was okay by the time i reach home, funny things happened at j8.
then i told my mum, my dad heard, and he started lyk saying the reasons why i didnt get it, laughing in the process, wtf
he wanted to talk to me, but i gl him lyk fuck,
got angry and scolded me,
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
it was a slip of tongue, and im a bastard by saying those things,
so yea,
Monday, August 04, 2008
breaking dawn is nice! edward and bella got married, poor jacob:(
but the thing is, this book got 1 whole part on jacob, i like, haha
omg i miss the pri sch days after reading wx's and lynn's blog, haha, the 100 curses which got alot of ppl in trouble, and 'mtk's Jim Thompson and tweety bird shirts.' heh.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
so your can imagine how horrified i was,
as i was waiting for 812 to come, i turned my head,
and to my horror,
the person i saw almost made me scream,
already quite ugly and damn fat,
still go pierce nose, and 2 piercing on the lips,
i believe everyone watched sunwukong before,
rememeber niu mo wang? and cow demon?
yea exact same replica!
wth tt made my day
Monday, July 28, 2008
im going to try it.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as HR/BusinessManagement You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Human Resources Management or Business Management, or related majors (e.g., Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, International Business, Leadership, Public Administration, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology).
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
went vivo with wx dan qr jh, they all bought things sia,
supposed to buy a green tee, but they say doesnt suit,
the trying shirt at topman was damn funny i swear, daniel was lyk wth, hahahahaha.
today finally got air con, and ours work! nice nice, very cold seh! lol.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
apart from languages and chem, the rest all A, ahahaha nice nice.
but then, got 2 A2 now, bio 74 geog 74, damn wtf rite? 1 mark only, sian sian.
if i can find a half mark when goin through the paper, i will get A1, pls half mark, i love you so much, pls come to me babe. haha.
so now L1R5 10, best ever since god knows when, so if geog A1 it will be 9, and i will draw with mr jingwei:)
oh yea, i hope shaun raphael lee reads this, I WON YOU, and thank you for insulting me, made me study hard to win you:)
ps. any kind soul pls ask shaun to read this, i dun wan to unblock him on msn;)
Monday, June 30, 2008
got back eng compre, and all i can say is kudos to paul ng's marking, 8 marks gone liddat, nice nice.. 8marks=6.4 in overall uknow?
then the worst part of today, got back chem, i tot will get at least B3, in the end get 62.5, damn disappointed coz i studied quite alot of chem:(
after tt went to see the roll of honour, appeared in both bio and physics, but bio 1 more mark can get my first A1 lehh! :( sian sian :( physcis improved by 30 marks, muahahahaha, 81 A1:)
then maths, 79 A2 AND amaths, i tot i screw up, but got 85 A1 hahaha... oh ya, after the amaths paper, jw say he get full marks liao, an guess wad, according to sources, he got 96, NINETY SIX, pwnage ttm. hahah.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
germany won, wtf.
turkey should have won, first 20 mins 2 balls hit crossbar liao, sian.
and germany showed no sportsmanship, not at all, when someone falls to the ground, whether its fake or not, u're supposed to stop play, stop the ball, but they didnt, thus scoring their winning goal, great.
if spain lose, i dont know who to support already, nazi-soviet pact go to hell.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
nice match anyway, spain did a good job attacking while italy did a good job defending, lol!
so its Germany vs Turkey, and im gonna support turkey, lyk 6 year ago in world cup 2002:D
and Spain vs Russia of coz i supporting Spain, ahhaaha! russian sucks okay!?!? david villa for top scorer, gogogo win Poldoski! :D
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
everything was okay, except for both the maths, which previously i had the most confidence, coz nvr study till the morning, lyk study from 6-7plus, sian! :(
ss hist nice
geog nice
chem nice
phyics okay
bio full marks
english okay
hcl 68! :D
maths screwed
amaths screwed
oh yea today i woke up then damn fucking bad mood liao, fuck it sia germany won!?!??!?!? fuck them, i hate ballack, ccb. portugal out ;(
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
woohoo Holland won France 4-1, total classic! it was the best international match i've ever seen, nice! kyut scored the first goal, coz malouda couldnt defend for nuts, and secong half robben came on, and he assisted van persie. then henry scored one, and france fans should feel damn sad for him, look at his face 30sec later, when robben scored the sensational goal, the angle(20++degrees) is lyk almost impossible already, somemore got 2 defenders, and he scored, i was lyk totally OMG.. in the added time sneijder scored another one, also damn nice i swear! 4-1!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
'As the prime minister I have to be balanced and collected,' keen soccer fan Donald Tusk told reporters. 'But last night I was speaking very differently about the whole thing, I wanted to kill.
tonite holland vs france, HOLLAND FOR THE WIN!
i hate studying, but this process is essential in getting good results.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
later not watching any match coz no one i supporting is playing.. portugal netherlands spain!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
oh and spain won 4-1!! well done david villa for scoring the first hat trick in the tournament:) i think greece should had draw or smth if the players werent as selfish.. muz learn from torres, his selflessness resulted in david villa's first goal:)
later got portugal, muz watch!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
and austria should hav won, at least a draw, they played well in the second half, i shall support the underdog and the worst team of this tournament:D tonite holland vs italy, i hope i can wake up,
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
she's damn bloody irritating
'the beginning of the end says:
and no sense of shame de luh
u know
she sang
yue liang dai biao wo de xin
on stage
'the beginning of the end says:
damn funny la!!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
i mean after maths:D
went to play soccer and i think my missing ball syndrome lyk no more liao [passed on to wx according to yk] lol:) then after soccer went j8 and we saw oreo, then qr went crazy about it and we started searching for them, err no its her:) cant find so we went pasta to eat and i buy them pizza, hahaha.. after tt we went on operation 'O' and operation 'gayle', HAHA! okay only wx yk qr alvin daniel and daryl knows wad im talking about, lol:D
Monday, June 02, 2008
Happy birthday! xoxo
Sunday, June 01, 2008
siao liao i abit addicted to fifa08, but then still got study abit here and there, lol.. and prelims is coming soon! time past damn damn fast sia! :(
today went some restaurant(name is LINGZHI) to eat, lyk the most ex vege place in singapore, and the food lyk healthy and nice, very little mock meat, i lyk:D the dim sum damn nice, but everything add tgt lyk damn ex, coz fried rice for 4 lyk $12 liao, same for mee.. lol..
oh and when animal to see their wallet, all quite nice, so idk if i should buy fossil one or animal one.. and i finally found the slippers i wan, lol:D
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
went bowling with daniel wx daryl, play 2 games, and its freaking ex, 7 plus per person, last time $6 nia la, wth.. got a score of 75 and 98, so sian mann, not as good as last time:( lost to wx both rounds, hahaha.. then went play socccerrrr! play barefoot, now damn freaking pain coz the ground was damn hot! scored 2 goals, 1 quite nice i think:D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
hmm today was imcb first day:) quite boring sia, and damn damn slack, did nth put juz wash wash and wash the embryos. partner with some bt panjang government high guy, quite friendly, and somemore our 2 benches quite fun one, coz got some gal lyk gl the instructor one.. hmm release at 4.30
then take mrt home with daryl, a damn ridiculous thing happened mann!
got 1 old man 60 plus years old one stood in front of us, then he started reading his book ALOUD, everybody lyk wth and lmaoing there liao, then the person next to him faster siam, read read read, then beside daryl got empty seat, guess wad he did mann, he put his plastic bags onto the sit and continue reading aloud with great intonation! woah! then another side beside his plastic bags empty and he sat down, without taking away his plastic bag! occupied 2 seats sia! then he moved beside daryl, and started to read again, then he keep on tilt his book to us, lyk wan us read liddat, wtf damn fucking weird rite!??! then daryl took out his mp3, and u know crumpler the velcro thingy is damn loud, so he pissed off sia! pls luhh he was lyk noiser can.. then he stood up infront of is and diao us and digged his ear damn hard, wtf can? then he diao diao then went to another cabin, daryl got off.. then the weird guy alighted at braddell, and he walked back here and diao me sia! wth la! damn kee siao, i think and hope tt he juz lost his whole family, wife children grandchildren! he diao so i diao back, damn funny mann, ahahahaha..
and on the mrt got some DAMN U gal keep acting cute to his bf i think, wtf, damn sick can, mr and daryl almost puke! the guy got some serious prob mann..
man u vs chelsea,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
i want a street soccer shoe too
i want a backpack too
i want a new specs too
i want a new converse shoe too
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
got 1 time almost score sia, hit the post and it was quite loud i think, coz wx say he heard it, lol.. i was lyk wtf? it will be a nice goal luhh:( the scene of it hitting the post keep on replay in my head, hahaha.. after tt went s11 hav lunch then went library then wx house:)
got home at 4.30 and started preparing, went out at 515 to collect flowers, and the tulips are damn nice i think:D went to scgs for handbells concert and it was very nice:) although the ppl in front of us spoil abit of the mood and stuff, after intermission lyk we didnt dare to talk anymore coz they keep signaling tt we damn noisy, did some gl actions, _|_ to them! hmm after the performance went to eat supper with al jw genyik krix and her family, ate tau suan, first supper in damn long, lol... hmm then went home by mrt and jw really went crazy, lol
sia la now whole body muscle ache coz of the soccer:x
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
today got pe, and it was damn fun i swear. played hockey, learn how to take penalty corner, then we play 5v5, nice match mann! damn tiring, coz lyk run up and down 1 and a half tennis court, damn damn tiring, tmr sure die of muscle ache:( the game ended up with a 1-0 score, i score the only goal :D:D ^_^ hahahahaha, i feels tt its quite nice goal, assist here and there then score:) sweated lyk shit, then go back class talib nvr come sch, so free period, and play with water till whole body wet, lyk whole shirt put inside a pail of water liddat, lol.. play lyk crazy:)
but the sad thing is tt, i still got cca:( spoil the day sia, and the china scholars lyk ALL pon sia, wtf!
okay nvm, gonna study soon,
ps. daryl is daydreaming:) he own the class jerold can get president's scholar liao:D
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
today after recess we were chasing after wx to step on his new converse shoe, but he ran to hide in a toilet cubicle! dead end la! hahaaha! so i took daryl's nike bottle and spray inside the cubicle for lyk more than 5 sec, imagine how wet it is:) then he came out then they all (daryl wx qr yk daniel) wanted to gang bang me or smth, but in the end they failed to and wx got even wetter because daryl spray him lyk shit, really damn wet luh him:D:D fun fun!
then today release early:)
then went down with mrthomas to clean my shirt, on the way down he tell me im the most under performing person in the class, coz of my psle results and stuff, so i shall study and work hard mann! 8)
Monday, May 05, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
today fun day!
after sch went ktv at thomson cc, sing sing sing lyk siao, now sore throat, and we went DAMN CRAZY! damn damn crazy! we got damn high, me jh qr daniel wx, jump here jump there, fight here fight there, shout here shout there, then pillow fight lyk crazy! then wx poor thing kena bang by us, LOL XD then sing until 630 then we zao, each one pay 12 plus nia:)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
this few days..
nth much happen,
yesterday got hcl mock prelim 2, so its lyk a prelim to a prelim, damn gl rite?
and everything was okay, except maybe paper 2 the format if damn weird, hhahaha
should be able to get at least an B3:]
and today hcl remedial,
mass lecture, so its damn fun,
coz juz talk talk play play joke laugh laugh:D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
today daryl chiam took his stapler and stapler on my hand softly, but then it still went in, so theres a hole now, and coz i reacted to it before he withdraw, i got scratch:[ that's not the end, i nth to do, so i take strepsils the foil thing write on his hand coz u know the foil is lyk damn sharp one.. then he counted 1 wrote 20 sec, but theres lyk not scratch at all, so he took tt and started injuring me, scratching me lyk siao! wtf sia, lyk 5 solid red budging lines! :[ so i scratch him back with it, damn damn deep sia, hahaha..
then after sch went to watch the forbidden kingdom at amk with yk wx and daniel, quite a nice movie =DD
Sunday, April 20, 2008
okay on fri went to eat lunch at roma's deli to have lunch at shaw tower, hmm the food there quite nice:] i ate until damn full sia, coz its lyk a full set, got soup bread drinks spaghetti:] i eat a little bit of the baked rice and it tasted quite nice, next time muz order tt, lol.. jw lyk ordered potato baked rice because he say tt other things lyk contradicts, seafood spaghetti, but its lyk vegetarian one, lol..
then after tt went suntec and jw did smth which made himself damn depress and sad and stuff, LOL..went marina there to eat cheesecake, but dun find it nice, haha..then went rsh where kris bought a bag coz she yi jian zhong qing, we all find it quite nice too:]
and the train ride home was quite fucked up, we bounced and after 1 hour, we are only at amk coz the train was lyk got probs and spoilt and stuff, damn sian sia, so i was lyk late for the study session.. reached home at 8.22pm and reached macs at 8.50 liddat, pro rite, hehe..
then yesterday got hcl remedial which everyone learn nothing, juz go there take attendance and talk cock, then went scgs carnival with jw al kris and clement.. spend only lyk 16bucks there and gave the rest of the tics away.. after tt went suntec to buy stuff with al.. then at nite went temple for class,. made fun of ppl on the way home, hah.
omg la man u drawed:[
and i still got amaths tys havent finish and havent study for physics test! sian!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
and i scored 22/25 for differentiation test without daryl's help :D:D damn happy sia...
then chem test result, got 10/35, lol.. i bet mrthomas wtf at this score la, haah.. but then kinda expected it, coz nvr study at all:) so yea was dimoralised:]
then bio period got cell division test, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis:):) studied all those yesterday nite, so got a 22/27 ^-^ damn happy mann:D
oh anyway, i shall study bio and physics this weekend, chem i will leave it till may:)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
walking to j8 tt time got 2 sec 1s lyk call out my name, coz one of them name is also junxiang ,lol..
so we started talking, and the other guy's name is lyk keefe robin sim, and i juz found out tt he's yankai cs friend also, hahah.. so took mrt with them back to yishun, and talked on the way.. looked quite weird sia, coz lyk i sec4 they sec1 then i taller than them by more than 1 head, so need to look down at them,lol.. then say goodbye at yishun, so today i made 2 friends:)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
when i reach tt time he say he gonna be late, so i went page one myself first.. went to look for new moon, help yk buy, but lyk i walk the whole bookstore cant find it at all luhh, coz page one lyk organise the books in a weird manner.. so gave up finding and went to wait for qr.. after tt went walk walk and went pull&bear, and bought a tee from there:D:D quite nice:) then went walk walk somemore, then went nike and qr bought his backpack, its lyk supposed to put ball one la, got one compartment to put ball one, quite special.. the shopkeeper say if ur ball nice then the bag nice, hahaha.. then after tt chat for quite a long time, then go home,
im abit addicted to euro2004, lol
Saturday, April 12, 2008
after sch went suntec with al krix jingwei jinghui, al need to make new specs, and lyk i didnt know do specs can lyk collect so fast one la, haha, after 1 hour liddat can go collect liao.. while waiting went foodcourt to eat and all ate vegetarian with me except for jw, lol.. and jw 'lost' his ezlink card again luhh, but in the end he lyk juz dropped it on the bench-.- okay after we collected the specs, we went la senza do see bday gift, then guess wad, the curious and innocent jh went around to touch the bras, and we all lyk omg+wtf there la, hahahah, the cashier lyk diao him, lol.. then after tt went raffles place coz jh wanted to buy his sch shoes from river island, but in the end he nvr.. then went taka to walk walk then go home liao..
upon reaching home, i did my hcl essay, so guai luhhhh
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
today quite a good day!
early in the morning got hcl leeson, then we got back our essay test, and i got 55/70! highest in our class, muahahahha! :D
but then this result is still not good enough, coz still lose to alot of pplin other classes:(
and ss was funny ttm mann, d**** sent messages to y*****, HHAHAHAHA, damnnnnnn hilarious and funny and etcetc XD
hmm chem was lyk okay coz release quite fast, and first chem period i felt so accomplish coz i finished the mole calculation ws without copying, 75% by myself lehh! hahahah, then 2nd period lyk i understand everything coz i read the chapter before hand :]
woah these few days lyk keep on telling ppl to relax, haha
Saturday, April 05, 2008
heyyy darling thanks for always being there for me, through thick and thin, through big and small, through laughter and tears, through hope and sorrow. thank you for being so non-judgemental about everything i say and basically, just standing by me (:
i really really really appreciate it, love you to the core gossip partnerrrr <3
Friday, April 04, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
and j8 food court juz open, and got vegetarian stall, but everything damn ex, damn scam money, today lunch if eat at northpoint, it will only be at most $2.50..
and the food junction trying to be lyk food republic sia.. all the stall owner dress up, cleaners dress up, somemore wear lyk go office liddat, lol... and most importantly, their price follow food republic also! but their food wont be as nice as food republic one... haha
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
erm today damn funny day, coz mrthomas not here, then his 2 periods all damn funny, HAHA, they lyk say mrquay today wear until look lyk bus driver, haha... then eng wanted to trick mrsyap into giving us early recess but she was not so stupid, haha
and wx is a horny boy mann:D kena trick by cdd twice, HAHAHA XD
Saturday, March 29, 2008
long time no blog,
no mood, no time, and of coz, laziness:]
yesterday was sports nite, and it was a failure again, coz it rained, and i wasnt at the thing 80% :D
air store is a good place mann,hahaha :) but lose money lyk crazy yesterday,
and today went sn's fiesta after breakfast at amk there, and this paragraph can describe our mood and feelings there:
As the rays of the scorching sun diffused, a sense of despair erupted within me. I surmised it shall be endured, however painstaking might it be. This is it. It shall be the precise determinant to the future, though personally being menially worked by the visage of abdication. And the staunch I walked, and continued, seemingly towards the imminent future.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
hmm today long day mann, go sch then suddenly say got hcl remedial, but kinda slack, lol...
and today is the first time i slept in class mann:] TRIPLE english, great mann... damn damn sian la, i went crazy at 3 plus, more than 2 hours of english liao, really will go mad one..
then went cafe cartel with al krix jw to study, but we ended up playing and eating la, haha... and after tt jw treated us to bubble tea but the pearl is lyk bitter one?!!? so felt quite disgusted after drinking half of it:X
sian now muz do bao zhang bao dao:[
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
al genyik jh chiacheng came my house, play mahjong and taught jh and cc how to play, but they dun hav beginners luck lyk jw, haha..
then went safra, wanted to play pool, but they say both the tables spoil, abit impossible luh... so we went arcade to play play, we all found one skate board machine quite fun:]
then went playground to play for more than 1 hour, fun fun:]
then went back to safra and wanted to play bowling, but need to wait very longggg, so we played darts coz someone put money in but the child dun wan to play liao, so we played for quite long also,
then we went home :)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
studied with al kriz jw at kriz's xiaoyi condo there, did finish physics ws, but nvr do structured and fys yet, hahah.. but we lyk play mahjong 50% of the time la... oh if u wanna know wat is beginner's luck u should ask jw, coz yesterday he juz learn and he won 7 out of 8 rounds:] i won the one round, LOL.. today ate lunch ate pizza hut, then met jw and i swear he is damn funny, keep on leading us the wrong way, haahaha.. okay nth to blog about liao, juz tt i still hav:
-physics structured ques & fys
-maths paper 2 (left half)
- el essay on TRUTH
- bio ws
- ss, not planning to do:]
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
okay met 4-10 ppl at j8 at lyk 12 to collect cake, go there tgt, plan to keep the cake, etcetc.. then the whole gang proceeded to mrthomas house.. when we got off the bus we tot we got off at the wrong stop, coz got a small hill which blocked our view, so jithin went to scout, haha
and guess wad, we reached there earlier than mrthomas mann, lol.. and our plan failed totally coz he was supposed to be at home-.-
erm then we started eating bread, chips, and they ate their lunch, watched a few movies:] then when everybody finally reached we brought out the cake and sang b-day song to mrthomas, he said he was speechless, lol..
and the cake is nice! although the liverpool logo tasted abit funny, but the rest of the cake is nice i swear, and usually i dun lyk eat cake one, but i ate 2 servings juz now, haha.. but the $60 liverpool cake is really worth it coz its nice and eating&cutting up liverpool means they wont win anything this season=D
hmm after tt went downstairs to play soccer in the rain, more than 10 ppl went so its a nice game coz got enough ppl:] and i think i ran quite alot, coz my legs are aching now:[ but the game was fun:]
after tt went back up, slack slack rest rest and watched abit of grudge2, then went home:]
Saturday, March 08, 2008
omg i swear 4-10 is damn good in suanning shaun! (9:39 PM) K': | aiya shaun u dun want then say |
(9:39 PM) K': | dun dao |
(9:39 PM) ˚▫.¤__.m3ęҲ¦4m._: | they both la |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | ok |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | push it to others |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | fine |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | yea yea |
(9:39 PM) K': | dun want u fuck off |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | i dun want |
(9:39 PM) `ä½ æµ…æµ…çš„å¾®ç¬‘ 深似海的眼光: | fuck you |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | mud. |
(9:39 PM) ˚▫.¤__.m3ęҲ¦4m._: | fuck off |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | wtf |
(9:39 PM) ˚▫.¤__.m3ęҲ¦4m._: | woot |
(9:39 PM) [DoTz]™: | mixed blood |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | do la |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | bastard |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | ur the best can? |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | fox blood |
(9:39 PM) ˚▫.¤__.m3ęҲ¦4m._: | ahha nice man |
(9:39 PM) K': | mud blood |
(9:39 PM) K': | pig blood |
(9:39 PM) [DoTz]™: | lol |
(9:39 PM) immature bastard: | bye |
(9:39 PM) | immature bastards should just die has left the conversation. |
(9:39 PM) [DoTz]™: | omg |
(9:39 PM) - Jitiano - ':.:: | shawn sucks. |
(9:40 PM) `ä½ æµ…æµ…çš„å¾®ç¬‘ 深似海的眼光: | walau |